The Ghostwriting Process

After a 30 minute consultation of your brand needs, I create customized written content to connect your business with your customers in the most authentic and creative way. For RENN New York, I created a customized modern poem for the theme of her new jewelry collection, inspired by childhood memories in her mother’s garden.


I Remember

I remember
my sweet mother’s hand in mine
as she leads me through
the savory garden

I remember
my sweet mother’s hand in mine
as we listen to the bumblebees
breathing, dancing, living

I remember
my sweet mother’s hand in mine
as we watch our precious berries
hydrate our bushy-tailed friends

I remember
my sweet mother’s hand in mine
filling my heart with the gift of patience
directing my eyes to the wonders of the earth

I remember
my sweet mother’s hand in mine
crafting my lens of simplicity
strengthening my heart of resiliency

I remember
my sweet mother’s hand in mine
guiding my spirit into this wild world
releasing my grip once I was ready

I nourish every memory
with pressed snapdragons and bleeding hearts
forever protected in my cross-stitched box

On the days
the golden rays touch the edges of my skin

I shut my eyes and I remember
my sweet mother’s hand in mine

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