How I Integrate Somatic Writing Into My Menstrual Cycle

"I give you permission to dream," My higher self wrote to me this morning.

"I give you permission to dream forward. To create your life towards me. You will be me someday. You will get here. But stop rushing, and please enjoy the journey. Because within your unpaved path is you and your imagination filled with all things freedom and things hope, to walk your way towards me," My higher self affirms for me.

She tells me to sit in her words until I believe them.

Until I feel it in every cell in my body.

This is how I access my highest self.

By writing during the fall season of my menstrual cycle. When my progesterone hormone level begins to fall, making me feel disconnected from the world, I access the truth in my body and let it speak.

I allow it to overflow my entire system with hope, affirmations, peace, trust, love, and acceptance. This is somatic writing for nervous system regulation.

Your emotions are connected to your body's truths. Allow yourself to honor those tingling sensations in your body.

You don't have to shame your emotions.

Instead, you can honor it.

Learn from it.

Be guided by It.

And model this relationship with self to all women.

You can dream forward.

You can create forward to your wild precious highest self.



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