S2:E24: Embodied Confidence With Liana Vizcarrondo

Trigger Warning: body shame, eating disorder

Liana is a confidence, health, and life coach. She works with women to uncover their roadblocks keeping them from becoming the confident version already inside of them. In this episode she shares her story of rebuilding a relationship with her body, quitting her fashion job at Tommy Hilfiger, and discovering her purpose of helping women embody confidence inside and out.


Guest Bio:
I’m Lii, a Confidence Coach, and Health and Life Coach.

The woman you see today is completely different from who I was a few years ago- extremely shy and never spoke my truth. My journey began when I became unfulfilled in my corporate job and needed to take care of myself mentally and physically. Not knowing what to do, or how to get out of this situation, I ended up finding my calling and my passion for helping others through coaching. This journey has led me to leave what was unfulfilling and draining, to now live confidently doing what I'm supposed to do. As a coach, my goal is that together we will uncover what’s been stopping you, slowing you down, or keeping you from becoming that confident version that is already inside of you.

My goal is to help women like you build confidence through movement, food, and mindset hacks.





Maryann Samreth  00:00

Welcome to mental breakthrough, a mental health podcast about owning our most vulnerable stories. As a reminder, we are all human. I'm MaryAnn Samreth, trauma training coach, founder of sincerely Miss Mary and your host. This season I bring in healers, coaches, therapists and writers in the mental health and thought leadership space to share their stories of overcoming their shadows, to get to a place where the light shines again. These are trauma survivors, mental health advocates, spiritual guides, coaches, and first and foremost, human beings, reminding us to be softer and kinder to ourselves, so we can then meet others with the same compassion. The power and sharing our truths with the world gives permission for others to feel safe experiencing theirs. As a disclaimer, this podcast is not a replacement for trauma informed therapy. But as always, you can find mental health resources on my website at www.sincerelymissmary.com. Hi dear advocates this week's episode is very special. I bring on my dear friend and partner in crime Liana Vizcarrondo. Liana and I used to work at Tommy Hilfiger, we sat right next to each other. And we also quit Tommy Hilfiger within hours apart. She is now a confidence, health and life coach, and she works with women to uncover their blocks so they can become the confident person are ready inside of them. And in this episode, she walks you through her breakthroughs journey of how she had a challenging relationship with food and college that it got to a point where she ended up in the hospital, and how she rebuilt that relationship with her body and with her food, and shares her journey of cultivating self worth. She also talks about the fashion industry, her experience of finding herself through an industry that kind of oppresses you, um, we don't say anything bad, but we do. spill a little bit of tea about how this industry can make you feel. So we go into that and she talks about how she quit her job and how that was a bigger, you know, moment for her to start choosing herself. She also talks about how she cultivates the courage to embody confidence, mind, body, spirit, and how she now coaches women to also do the same. Thank you so much for listening to this podcast. And I hope you enjoy this episode. It's a very, it's a very just heartfelt episode. It's so special to me. So I'm very, very thankful to have a friend like Liana in my life and I hope that there's someone like Liana your life we all deserve to have a friend that unconditionally loves us and cheers us on Hi, everyone, welcome to Mental breakthrough podcast. Today's guest is Liana Vizcarrondo. She is. What's your title again? I'm gonna have you introduce your title.


Liana Vizcarrondo  03:45

Are you serious lol.


Maryann Samreth  03:47

I mean, we were just talking about how we're just gonna be ourselves. I'm just in this podcast. And in this interview, Liana and I have worked together we met at Tommy Hilfiger, both handbag designers and yeah, she's always just brought out the me that I hid away from the world. So I just want you all to know how importantly, Liana is in my life. She was on the first to know about sincerely Miss Mary, that anonymous Instagram account and she's been a huge expander in my life. Um, yeah, so she is a confidence and life coach. I got it. Right. Did it. So yeah, Rihanna is gonna tell her story today about how she became the person she is today and her healing journey, her mental health journey. We're gonna go in deep but to her story. So Liana welcome to Mental breakthrough podcast. How are you doing?


Liana Vizcarrondo  04:51

I'm good. Thank you for having me. This is kind of exciting and kind of nerve wracking, but it's good.


Maryann Samreth  04:58

Well, we already started off the podcast. Put us giggling so that pretty much it is, you know, breaks the ice. So, um, so yeah, let's just dive into your story. What is your mental breakthrough story? How did you become the competent person you are today?


Liana Vizcarrondo  05:21

Well, that is like, when I think about, you know, you saying the confident person that you are today, there is so much behind that, that it kind of like blows me away. But let's say long story short, short, I basically began my journey into like, realizing my worth, and like who I meant to be all the way back to kind of high school, I would have to say, in high school, I was a type of person that was like, outgoing when I needed to be outgoing. But then I would basically hide every single second that I had every chance that I had. And I actually began this whole health kind of journey as well, because when I was in high school and going into college, I was freaking out in nice words, about this whole concept of freshman 15. So I won't say names, but people from my family, they kept haunting me saying that, you know, when you start college, you gain 15 pounds like that is what happens when you leave here, and you go on to the real world. And it scared me so much to the point that when I was a freshman in college, I was so stressed, barely ate, to the point of passing out in classes and taken to the hospital twice. And all of the doctors were like you need to be eating you are not, you know, you're lacking in nutrients, you're lacking in water, you need to take care of yourself. And from that moment, I was just all I heard was you need to eat, it wasn't like you need to, you know, take care of yourself. You need to, you know, understand nutrition, it was more of like you need to stuff food into your body. So from then on, I began binging absolutely everything to the point that you know, I use food as a, you know, calming mechanism of, you know, I have to do it. If not, I'm going to end up in the hospital again. But it's not that I was eating properly. I was you know, typical college, eating a whole pizza during lunch, and then another pizza, at dinner and aside of a pint of ice cream, it was the norm, right. And I kept that on until I went to I left. I went to college in Savannah, Georgia. And I moved to New York to you know, pursue this fancy lifestyle that is portrayed of, you know, the fashion industry getting a handbag design job. But in reality, when I went to New York, same thing happened, I needed to eat. But the fun part happened where I was an intern unpaid. And I was basically being you know, manipulated, saying here, go get my laundry, go get my lunch. Can you go pay this bill for me? Can you go and do anything other than what is what was recommended on the guidelines for this internship, anything other than what we were we promise you to do? Right? And being unpaid. I be I became very good friends with people called to girls pizza, where it was $1 Slice pizza. And if you added an extra dollar, you get a can of Coke. Now was my food. So clearly that was like, on the verge of you know, unhealthy? My mindset started you know, going down just because I you know, you imagine this life of living in New York and trying to you know, figure out your life and it's not going according to plan. You are unpaid, fetching laundry like it's it's not the glamorous lifestyle. But good thing is that I did end up getting the job at Tommy, Tommy Hilfiger. And yes, it was, in my eyes, the most glamorous thing I could have ever done. It's a well known brand. But in reality, it was one of those things where I was doing it to please other people. Yes, I loved at the beginning my job like I was excited to go to work. But as time goes by, I definitely realized that it was taking a mental toll on me. To the point that again, my nutrition, my actual health was just so bad. And what do you do when you get into that situation, you literally go and pay too much for a gym membership, that does not do anything. Like that's literally a hole in your pocket. But fast forward a little bit. I then began doing workouts from Beachbody. And these I was able to do you know, in my home, my, I'm calling it a home, but it was basically a closet in New York City. And that's when I actually began noticing that I needed to take care of myself, not just because I was gaining weight, and I was so tired and just so uncomfortable with myself. But in reality, too, that's when I realized that health is way more than just how I look. It's how I feel, right? And beginning to do these workouts and a community behind you know, what is Beachbody. That's how I was able to realize that what I'm doing with my life, this whole handbag design job is not for me. Like, that's when I obviously met Maryann, she ended up doing a and which I can say a funny story later, but so, um, I definitely realized that even though I, you know, was at that job, and I stayed for the job, just because it was an income, it wasn't something that I wanted to do forever. It was something that was just there to pay my bills, until I figured something out. But I'm kind of going off the rails here. But in reality, like, the reason I am who I am today is because I finally took, you know, took advantage of taking care of myself mentally and physically, by, you know, doing those workouts, being able to actually eat correctly, and kind of like dive into personal development. And in reality, once I met Maryann, that's when I like really, really dove into this side thing that I was doing with Beachbody and like helping people do the same. Being able to, you know, take care of themselves, even if it's just for five minutes in their day, prioritizing themselves, their health, their mental health, I really realized that with her because I could tell that she was going through something and I wanted to help so bad. Like, it was something that she wasn't just my friend, she was like my partner in crime. Like we literally did everything together in that office, we sat next to each other, like if I extended my arm, I could slap her like. Um, but yeah, in reality, like going through, you know, everything that I went through, it's BS, it all basically started with me prioritizing myself. And the moment that you start making, you know, promises to yourself goals to yourself and actually achieving them. That's when you break through into that confidence. That's where you become the person you're supposed to be. Not someone else.


Maryann Samreth  13:46

Yeah. Oh my gosh. Like it. So I'm just like, so grateful that we met and it sounded like, you know, like, we were both going to a lot of shit. And I remember what like one of the first weeks starting Tommy, and you weren't there because you were at this like it was like your Beachbody convention. And that even that blow blew my mind because fashion designers work 80 to 100 hours a week well not Tommy was like normal, but to see someone have that hobby, outside fashion was so mind blowing for me because I that was my life at that point. And it seems like you know, like what your food journey and your relationship you know what your body like? Even like in college, like it was all of you know about external validation and attaching your worth to your looks and your relationship with food and your body and then you got to a place where you started building or like you say, like, you change you know, you focused on feeling good instead of looking good and that's when you you shifted, you know, validating yourself. And finally attaching your worth it to yourself, because no one else can define your worth, except for you. And what what was and also like that relates to like, your fashion career too, because like, I think we both went into it with that external validation, we had been at that point where we were attaching our worth outside of ourselves, what was that shift for you, when you were working at Tommy and started building a relationship with yourself, and then, like, changing your perspective on what you want to do with your life,


Liana Vizcarrondo  15:37

oh my gosh, if I it's impossible to like, portray, like, all the emotions, from like, all of the things that we went through, like, I just remember, like, once I started realizing like that, you know, I'm not on the right path. And honestly, that all began by diving into personal development books and podcasts, and, you know, listening to inspiring people. And if anyone needs recommendations, I highly recommend Tony Robbins, he is the guru of all of it. But when I started realizing that, you know, you matter more than what your title is, and your job, or the income that you're getting for that job. And when I realized that, that I was so tiny, in like, this company, even though I felt so big, because of my title. It's nothing like it didn't, it didn't matter, my title didn't matter. Clearly, my position didn't matter, obviously. And it's, it's one of those things where you're just a person trying to, you know, live your life to the fullest or, like, envision all these dreams and have them happen. But in reality, when you look at everything, you are a tiny, tiny little.in This giant picture, like, and, you know, what I learned with, you know, I'm going back to like, you know, switching couriers, and I can talk more into that is the, when you realize how much more you're worth. That's when the magic happens. That's when you start dreaming for yourself setting bigger goals, setting a bigger vision for yourself, not based on what the corporate ladder has to offer, because it's very limited. Let's be on it is very, very limited.


Maryann Samreth  17:30

Right? I mean, like, that's such a huge revelation, because we were in dream careers. Did you ever feel like you're the shit when you are in? Yeah, like, like, yeah. When people would ask me, Oh, where do you work? I'd be like, Oh, I just work at, you know, Tommy Hilfiger? And they'd be like, Oh, my God. That's amazing. And I'm just like, not really, it kind of sucks. But okay. Yeah. Like, did you get that external validation when people recognized like, where you worked and like, what you were doing and glamorizing, you're like, what was that experience? Or was that like, the shift for you? Where you're like, actually,this validation isn't filling me up the way I thought.


Liana Vizcarrondo  18:17

So actually, I had both. So at the beginning, like when I first first started, maybe the first two years, so I worked there for six years. Maybe the first two years? Yes, it was like, Yeah, I actually work here. I got this job. It's a steady income. Like I made it, you know, you think of New York and you make it even though you're living in a closet, and your rent is too high. Um, but then once I started, you know, with this whole journey of myself, when people would say, oh, my gosh, you work at Tommy, like, that's incredible. I started getting feedback of like, oh my gosh, you must be getting paid so much. And I would just be like, not really, like not at all but great that that's like the mentality of this that industry. Yeah, that industry is so fake. I think it is. It's not Yeah, yes, it is a lady with too much Botox that is just walking around strutting her stuff. Um, I wasn't sure if I should curse on here, but you can you can pay your shit like fake its fake. Its fake. And that's when I started realizing like Wow, just because of the name. People think I'm hot stuff but in reality I am like the lowest of the low in the company. No one knows me. Like it doesn't matter at all right? So it like pushed you because you felt unseen and individually Even though you're glamorized by like, a people around you, like, it kind of forced you to, like, see yourself and hear yourself like that journey. And also like, it is a very, you know, like external validating industry. But I think, you know, we probably were both at a season in our lives where like, that's what we thought we needed either from societal conditioning or like our upbringing, but like that, you know, we were asleep, but in a sense, like working in fashion, also being creative, and getting all of that initial external validation. And then all of a sudden, there's that switch. And what was like, can you tell us? Hi mochi, sorry about that she's fired up about talking about the fashion industry. Talk about the day you made the decision to quit and like how that was, like, a tough decision for you. Or maybe it was easy. What What was that experience? Like? So? I love telling this story. Now, at the moment, not so much because I was freaking out. Yeah, um, but let's just say, I had the goal. Like, my goal was to quit, like, I knew that I needed to get out of there. I just needed a little bit more time to, you know, figure things out. Have you know, I'm a very type a person, I plan everything out to a tee. I need to make it happen as my plan goes. Um, but COVID happened, right. And I My goal was to quit by October. That was my thing. Like, that was my goal. And when COVID happened, that timeline shot up because COVID happen. And we got furloughed, we were just, you know, thrown away, said okay, we'll figure out you later. Um, because that's how it felt for love felt like, yeah, you're allowed to feel that way, too. Yeah. And honestly, it felt really, really bad because I was basically managing a whole division now. Yeah, so it felt pretty, pretty bad to be furloughed. Now, I was like, Well, you guys have to deal with it, then. Like this is this is what I wanted in the beginning. You know, that was one of my goals. So now they're going to have to deal with it without any guidance, or, you know, maybe they can find my files, maybe they can't, I don't know. Um, but anyways, when that happened, I ended up saying, Okay, this is going to be my chance, I'm going to use this time to build up my goals, build up my business of Beachbody plus, then I introduce life coaching, this is going to be my time. And when I get furloughed, that's it. Like, I'm gonna just say, I'm done. So I had a few months to you know, mentally prepare, but nothing can mentally prepare you for something like this. And the moment that they you know, they basically texted me saying that I had to get on a call in like, two hours or something like that. And I just remember saying, Okay, this is gonna be it, this is going to be it. And, um, I just remember, I took like, three showers that day, because I couldn't stop sweating. But anyways, i The moment that they said, Okay, you guys come back to the office. Next week, we're going to resume everything. Sorry, virtually, we're going to resume everything virtually. You're back. You're on furloughed or whatever it is that they said. And I just remember grabbing my phone, texting the creative director in being like, can we talk and I just spoke my truth. I was like, I am grateful, you know, for this opportunity that I was there working for six years, but I will not be returning as an employee. All I heard was nothing. There was no one speaking on the other side of the phone. And I literally just go below are you there? And he they sorry. We're just like, Where's this coming from? And I spoke my truth. I was like, first of all, I haven't heard from you since I got furloughed. So hello, my name is Leanna. And I just don't feel like this is the right fit for me anymore. I'm done. So I quit my job. Literally the moment I did, I threw my phone ran around my apartment like five times because I couldn't shake the nerves. But the moment I finished that I felt so fucking empowered. Yeah, you have no clue. because I finally stood my ground and said, this is this is it, like, I don't need this industry anymore. I haven't needed this industry for a while. I don't need you like, wow, I am now like my own boss, my journey. So that was like even though you know COVID And you know, you think of it as like a it is a sad time. It's very, you know, a lot of emotions. I actually found it very helpful. Yeah, step up, you know, and, like, stand my ground, because that's what mattered most like me saying, I'm doing this for me, I'm not doing this for you. For my family. For my friends. This is my journey. This is my time to be who I'm supposed to be.


Maryann Samreth  25:50

Wow. I mean, powerful, especially when you said I don't need you. That is you saying yes to yourself. That is so freakin powerful. And it just like shows, like, that was pretty much your breakthrough. And like, that's how much you transformed from being in a place where you're using the industry. And I did this to like using it as external validation. Because that's, you know, you don't learn otherwise, like your parents are a life coach. But like, that was like, a breakthrough for you for you to stand your ground and be like, You know what, like it you don't get to decide who I am and what I do in this realm. You don't get to decide my worth. I do that where does like, cuz he always told me like, you know, I'm like a huge people pleaser, too. I'm like, recovering and you would always say, you're an you're in control. Like, since I've met you, you always told me that and like, where does that like? What lesson did you have that made you you know, be able to just have full control over your choices, and have an agency over yourself? Because since I've met you, you've you know, had such a strong sense of authority, and it's really just like, it's it's like contagious for me. Like it empowers me to give myself permission to say no and yes to myself to myself.


Liana Vizcarrondo  27:13

Funny thing is that I kind of began my own like life coaching journey with you.


Maryann Samreth  27:21



Liana Vizcarrondo  27:23

Because I kinda was trying to project what I wanted for myself on you.


Maryann Samreth  27:29

Okay, this I'm learning this for the first time. This is something new.


Liana Vizcarrondo  27:34

Um, because I saw like, so much potential like when you showed me your, you know, poetry your secret account, I was literally just like, in all like, jaw to the floor. First of all, she just texted me the the instagram acoount.


Maryann Samreth  27:52

You were harrassing me though.


Liana Vizcarrondo  27:54

Yeah, I know.


Maryann Samreth  27:54

You were like, what is it? I'm like, fine. Shut up.


Liana Vizcarrondo  27:58

I wanted to know, um, but yeah, I just remember, like, thinking like, wow, like, she has so much more that she's hiding. Like, why is she hiding? So I began like, practicing coaching on you and sounds weird. But in reality, I just wanted to see you, like, fulfill what you wanted, like be able to be who you truly work because I saw you from the beginning. Obviously, we didn't meet like, day one when you began. I wasn't there. But I just remember like, seeing you so shy. So like, you know, timid, that's obvious. You're starting something new. You're meeting new people.


Maryann Samreth  28:45

I was also scared of women. And you.


Liana Vizcarrondo  28:48

Yeah, I mean, sometimes my face can share a lot. Let's be real, but in all honesty, like I saw so much more in you and I was trying to like project what I wanted kind of for myself, but for you as well. Because it wasn't like you were alone. Like we were trying to both figure out what we wanted for ourselves for our lives for future together. Even though we did we didn't realize what we were doing like hiding eating lunch in one of the call rooms. Basically like you know, brainstorming and figuring out what it is that life means to us and like what are you true means to us. So it does sound weird, but I feel like having you know the connection with you and being you know your friend for I don't even know how long now but a few years. Um, that's where it all began, like me feeling more confident and telling someone you have way more control over the things that you don't think that you do than you think you do like you control them. society or our bosses, or whoever it is random person on the street is telling you. And I wanted to kind of see if you know my words have meaning, because that's the other thing being in that industry, you say something. And if it's not according to what they want, they just throw it away. dismiss you. Yeah. So I wanted to see if you know, my words actually had a meaning behind it. And I basically started all of that with you. I wanted to elevate you. But then while I was elevating you, I was elevating myself,


Maryann Samreth  30:37

Oh, my gosh, that's amazing. I will, I had no idea. I thought you had been on this journey way longer than me. Like, I, I also, like, you're probably the only person in my life at that time, that I honestly want to be real, genuinely cared about my well being, I did not have a lot of good friends that cared to get me out of that abusive relationship people knew and enabled my situation, and made me almost like, stay stay stuck. And you're the only one that you know, really cared about my well being. And like, I, I'm just like, blown away that that like, we were on this journey together, and it makes a lot of sense. And what was that experience for you like to see me? Like transform with your guidance?


Liana Vizcarrondo  31:34

Oh, my God, it was incredible. It was like, literally seeing, and I don't know why this is coming to my head. But like, seeing like, you find your light. Let's put it that way. Just because, you know, I saw the evolution from you know, you, I mean, I met your ex, we hung out. I'm seeing that Maryann, to who you are today is literally a complete opposite person that has a voice. Let's put it that way. You have a voice now. And you're not afraid to show it which I'm so glad because everyone needs this Sparky, Maryann. And I'm like, it's one of those like proud moments that you see. It's like one of your your children growing up, or something like children, but I just that feeling of like you being very proud of, you know, you, you made an impact in some way, shape or form to help a person grow. That's what you know, even in my job as a confidence and life coach. That's what I want for people. It's not just a one and done sort of situation. We are constantly evolving and constantly growing as things happen to ourselves. And life happens obviously, that's what everyone should strive for. Right? And seeing you go from pre you know, it's like a pre Maryann, and now Maryann like it's a complete different.


Maryann Samreth  33:11

I died and I came back.


Liana Vizcarrondo  33:14

Taylor Swift. But yeah, like seeing it has just been so friggin inspiring. I cannot say more like at all. Yeah. So like, you're able, I mean, you're so good at identifying like the light and people in the strength and people. And that is why you are a confidence and life coach. And I know this is kind of, you know, something that you've been, you know, recently, you know, on endeavor, what is this experience? Like just owning your true title? Like when did you first of all, why did you call yourself a confidence and life coach? And what was that experience like of tapping into your power? Honestly, the day that I quit, I realized that this is way more like I am a different person. And I felt so brave, so confident in my actions, my words, my future, because it's basically I was doing something for myself for my future. That's when I realized, like the confidence part, I achieved it. I'm here like, this is this is who I am. And I tapped into, you know, teaching this to all my clients through our wellness group through Beachbody, but then now I recently got certified as a life coach, well, actually a health and life coach. And that's when I realized like, this is this is it, like I, this is who I am. And I want to be able to teach people either through my past experiences either through what I've been able to do with, you know, the people around me, but I want to be able to have people realize their worth and that they are confident in themselves, they are confident it's in there, they just need to basically break through and uncover it.


Maryann Samreth  35:07

Wow, that is so powerful. And I think that combination of a confidence health and life coach, like that was also your transformation journey to and and just going back to, you know your relationship challenges with food and like overcoming that eating disorder like how did you rebuild your relationship with your health, your body and with food?


Liana Vizcarrondo  35:34

Yeah, so that I never thought of it as a disorder. Um, because I didn't know, in reality, I did not know that that's what I was doing to myself, when I went, you know, in freshman year, and, you know, basically starved myself, I didn't know that that's what that was, we don't really get taught those types of things until you're on ground zero. And there's nothing else that you can do, right? There's no, you know, now nowadays, there's a lot of knowledge around it and a lot of awareness. But back then, I just thought that that's what I needed to do to not gain 15 pounds and be fat. Like, that is the most ridiculous thing. Like, every time I go back and think about it is just the dumbest thing I could have ever done to myself. Um, but I didn't know, that's the thing. I wasn't aware, I didn't have the knowledge that I have today. But being able to, you know, when I began actually prioritizing my wealth, I mean, my health, my, you know, well being, I'm with moving my body feeling good by moving my body not focusing on the scale, because that's one thing that can, again, 15 pounds is 15 pounds, but in reality, there's so much more worth behind it. Um, I basically, the moment that I started taking care of myself in a way that matters, not just based on looks, but based on how I'm feeling, that's when I realized that, you know, wellness is way more than what you see on TV. Because right now you can see all the skinny people and the people with the ABS and you know, all these things that people put hashtag goals. But in reality, when you take care of yourself in a way that feels good, and in a way that you know, you're making yourself a priority, that's when it really, really matters. Not because you lost five pounds this week, are not that you fit into your dream dress, or whatever it is, it's when you start feeling good about the actions that you're taking, either with movement or with the food that you're eating, that's when you make a real relationship with yourself and your body. Like I've seen so many people that, you know, and that's one of my goals, as far as like my beachbody business is to create that awareness of moving feels good, find movement that feels good, that is not stressful, that doesn't make you bored. and utilize it in a way that's it's your time, your time to move your body because you can your time to move your body because you are strong. Every single day that you show up is like a promise to yourself and for your future. Because what you're doing today is all for your future. It's all for your tomorrow. So if you're able to like move your body and fuel it with good foods, no diets, that's when the real love for your body comes from.


Maryann Samreth  38:49

Wow, what do you mean by like, Do what makes you feel good? Because a lot of times like, at least for me, I have trauma. So my mind was disconnected to my body. So like, I don't even know that concept of like what feels good, but I'm like relearning that.


Liana Vizcarrondo  39:07

Yeah. I when I say like, what feels good is like, I'll give an example of myself. I don't understand and I'm not very fond of bar. You know, bar workouts for me are too slow. They're too, you know, not enjoyable. I'm not going to go and take a bar class because I know that that's not for me. So whenever you you feel like a movement isn't right for your body. Don't do it. It when you force something, that's when you start getting into this negative, healthy pattern. I'm calling it a healthy pattern because you want to be able to do something for your health but right like you want to be able to find something that you can stick to You're able to show up every single day and maybe modify it, maybe grab a heavier weight, maybe stick with one extra push up, or whatever it is, you want to make sure that what you're doing, makes your body feel good, and makes you feel proud that you showed up for yourself. Does that make sense?


Maryann Samreth  40:20

Yeah, no, it's, uh, I mean, it's something that I often don't think about. Usually, I just pick a hit workout, because that's what everyone tells me to do.


Liana Vizcarrondo  40:29

So it's like, really like, your journey with fitness. It's being honest with yourself, and not having to like what everyone like so so I think that's really important. For just anyone, like, challenged on that journey to do workouts that make them feel good. And you know, you don't have to follow the trend. Yes, that's something that I will never understand. But as maybe it's just because I'm, you know, on a different path now, where it's like, if people are doing some class and you try it, and it's not for you, then it's not for you don't force and you know, pay, I don't know, even want to think about how much just because other people are doing it, you're gonna actually you might even get injured, because you're trying to follow a trend. You know, if you don't feel good doing something, why continue doing it, because you're going to make it more like negative, like a negative experience for yourself rather than something positive. Like you're moving your body, you're, you're showing that you can do these workouts rather than Okay, these girls are doing it. Let me just go do it and keep showing up because I have to do it because everyone else is doing it. So I, when it comes to like the trends and workouts, yeah, you can try it once. But if it's something that's not for you do something else, like you're in control, right? Yeah, I love that. Um, and it just you like, embody confidence that it's like, you're you embody competence, mind, body, and soul. And you are honest with yourself? What advice do you have for people to help them be honest about themselves? Because I think that's where competence comes from right is just being your authentic self and not apologizing for it? Yeah. Honestly, when it comes to that, I would just say, don't be afraid to speak your truth. Because when you hide behind, you know, pleasing people or wanting to look a certain way, that's when we start losing ourselves. That's when we start looking like someone else to the point that at one at a certain time, you're going to be like, Who the heck am I like, you're going to be so lost in all these trends, or fads, or what other people are saying or wanting for yourself, that you're gonna lose who you truly are and who you truly like to do. So when it comes to something like that. I always try to, like, remind people that you are you. Just because someone doesn't like that you do. Let's say a hit workout doesn't mean that they won't like you for something else. And just because you have a truth behind, you know, your actions or the reasoning behind your actions doesn't mean that there's not going to be someone out there that feels the same. Like you have. Your life is your own, like and there's actually a quote that I'm looking at on my laptop that says, living a permissionless life. You don't need to ask for permission to be liked. You don't need to be asked for permission to do the things that you like to do, you are living your life. And if you need to ask for permission, you need to leave.


Maryann Samreth  44:04

What is I feel like the follow up question to that is how do you deal with the judgment of others or that fear of not being like to


Liana Vizcarrondo  44:14

Honestly that is something that I it takes it takes a little bit to overcome just because it's something that we want to be liked by everybody we want to be you know, portrayed as a certain person for everybody. That's, that's just human nature. But when you don't, when you take advantage of like, not fearing what other people say, you can do a lot more. And yes, at the beginning, it's going to be terrifying because you want to be liked. Like that's, that's normal. Um, but for people that are trying to overcome that, just ask yourself, Does this person have a huge impact on me if I were to do XYZ Like, do they matter enough for me to follow my dreams? Like, will they care if I do this or not? Like, does it even matter if they approve or not? Are they a part of my goals? Are they a part of my future? Like, it's it's one of those things where yes, there's going to be judgment there's going to be, you know, the haters or however you want to say, but in reality, if they don't matter, it doesn't matter. So simple. Yeah, no. It sounds so simple. But in reality, yes, it takes time to be able to know your truth and to say, okay, even though this person doesn't understand me doesn't fully, you know, fully know what I want to do with myself. I, it doesn't matter is your journey. They they don't have a say in what's going to work or what's not going to work for you. Even you don't have a say in like the outcome of your life. So why would they? Why would we let other people have a say? Exactly.


Maryann Samreth  46:17

Yeah, those are very, very profound words. So this was an amazing conversation. Why not?last final question is what do you wish the world has more of?


Liana Vizcarrondo  46:31

Well, this is this is like, duh confidence.


Maryann Samreth  46:36

Nice plug.


Liana Vizcarrondo  46:37

Yeah. Um, no. But in reality, it's more of like understanding that they are in control, like, life is going to try to knock you down as many times as it wants. But if you stand your ground, and you know your worth, you're stronger than the struggles and the mistakes than the setbacks, then all the excuses that are roaming through your head. And I just wish for everyone to like know that they are confident that it's in them, they just need to uncover it with promising and following through with the things that they want to do for themselves, not because society tells you not because your parents tell you not because your significant other your friends, your dog, whatever it is, like you have to do it because it's right for you. And when you stop making excuses for yourself and start making more promises, that's when the true person shines. And that's when the true person comes out.


Maryann Samreth  47:43

Well, thank you so much for all of your wisdom, and you just have a way of, like, knowing it, the I mean, I'm just at a loss for words, I'm just like, you saw my light, and you've got it out of me in a way that maybe embody everything that I am. And I didn't even know this was happening. Like, I'm still blown away, and I have goosebumps, so that you know, like, I always knew you are such a big part of like my journey of transformation. But I didn't know you're coaching me. But I truly love that. So your friend, you're like, I'm still coaching you giving you a nice little invoice later. But how can people connect with you? How can people work with you?


Liana Vizcarrondo  48:34

Yeah, so I have my two businesses. But you can definitely find me at actively so it's active. And then li and my two businesses are obviously wellness coaching with Beachbody. So it's the home workout. So nutrition, a whole virtual gym. It's awesome. And then my second one is my 12 week breakthrough into confidence coaching, that is through my life coaching program. Everything can be found basically on my Instagram. I kind of live in there so he'll have an Instagram. I live inside Instagram. Yeah, that's where all my stuff is.


Maryann Samreth  49:19

Well, thank you so much for coming on. And yeah, you guys follow Liana and work with her. I am just one big walking testimonial for her. But yeah, thank you. Thank you so much for coming on. And yeah, have an amazing day. Thank you. We all have a story to tell. I want to thank you for listening to Leanna as I'm MaryAnn somatic trauma writing coach and founder of sincerely Miss Mary. I hope we in this episode inspired you to become I'm the person you're meant to be in the world and have the frickin confidence to do it. If you like this episode, please leave me a review on Apple podcast and follow me on there or on Spotify. And if you want to work with me I have two open coaching spots for memoir writing that are one on one. If you want to learn more about this memoir writing program called dare to rise, you can visit my website at www that's Unseelie Miss marry.com/dare to rise and book a free clarity call with me to see if we're a great fit to work together. I hope you all have a great week and I will talk to you all soon.


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